Tuesday, 23 October 2018

                                                    Planned leisure breaks

       Time management is not only about planning your goal, but it can be planning a break too. Placing break in between task can sound funny but it plays the crucial role to release work and study stress, also timely sleep for 7 to 8 hours can help us wake healthy and rejuvenated for lengthy and hectic next day work schedule. Planned breaks are as important as planning a task. Whereas planning a task help us achieve the same in desired time also planned breaks can help improve the concentration level when things get tedious and boring. If we keep on continuous work on some task it becomes less interesting, for example, during the exam days student study continuously without any break but they are too tired and find it hard to concentrate on their studies rather than learning from it. 

Breaks being important should be also time controlled like listening to your favourite music for half an hour a day can make you more energetic than sitting ideal and relaxing. In the article How To Manage To Your Time Effectively As a Workplace Leader Written by Grace Medlinger. The writer stated “The average person can’t run and run forever without breaks (or breaking down). Just like you would rest and recharge after a hard workout, the brain needs time to relax and recharge after periods of a continued focus to avoid burnout. Even taking a 10-minute nap can immediately enhance performance”

Monday, 22 October 2018

                                       Setting Deadline
Our next step to set a deadline for each of our task. It is useful in every stage of life for the successful accomplishment of duties and earns the desired results. Often good plans do not reap desired results due to non-achievement of plans when time window not set. When a task performed without achieving the same before the deadline, It is possible the task itself might not be a great use, such as studies have to be completed before the actual examinations to keep time for reviewing the syllabus.

We can also study the same chapters later but after examination, it will only enhance our knowledge, but it cannot earn desired higher grades. As this is the most essential part of time management but the same can be most difficult at times, when there are plenty of things which can shift our focus from set deadlines and we have to avoid such mistakes such as Putting with friends and family for longer time than required can affect the period set for task. Other breakers or mind diversion can be termed as Cell phone over usage, Social website, Watching TV for a longer time, and improper sleep management all these can lead to unsuccessful attempt of meeting set deadline. Erasing destruction always helps and doesn’t break our focus on the final goal. Start your action from day one and don’t wait till less time is left which sometimes is hard to cover. 

 After all, if you slip your deadline, and you feel you do not have time for this work. There are some suggestions in the article LIFE FAMILY CAREER WORK BALANCE written by Nan Badgett, a beneficial and important tip is some are such as Negotiate a reasonable schedule means if you have a deadline on Frida ay, you can ask, for Monday if it is possible, Communicate and  Underpromise; overdeliver. (Badgett, 2018)

In conclusion, everyone can try to balance their time. However, I agree that everyone has a different situation. But if you try some of these ideas, you feel an improvement in your attitude toward deadlines.
Badgett, N. (2018). Life Family Career Work Balance. Key Words26(2), 22–23. Retrieved from      http://login.library.sheridanc.on.ca/login?  url=http://search.ebscohost.com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/login.aspx?     direct=true&db=a9h&AN=130888989&site=ehost-live&scope=site

                                 Prioritize wisely

After making To do list, manage your task wisely. The four more important things you should follow when you plan to achieve your goals. First thing is an urgent and essential task which are critical and important give your most time to that task like a class assignment or Urgent project at the workplace.

The second thing is a function which is necessary, but not urgent should be handled as a second priority as this can be completed shortly and is important for your carrier and grades. The third priority task which is urgent but not essential but still needs to be completed in the near-deadline such as an extracurricular activity in students and work life. Finally, a task which is neither necessary nor urgent. For example, Social media and entertainment for leisure “Data recorded the highest percentage for the applied medical science students who stated that they always spend time on planning their activities (26.7%), planning to their goal (36.40%). Though students who still have planning regular recorded equal percentages, (29.60%) for the applied medical and science students. Another questionnaire study in Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) demonstrated by regression analysis that students’ time management skills affect their GPA-course achievement [13]. As expected, the majority of successful students can manage their time well and schedule their daily activities. They do not spend a huge amount of time studying; however, they focus and plan before starting which makes them study for a shorter period.”  (Wasan Siddiq Yahya Alsalem, et al., 2017).

Wasan Siddiq Yahya Alsalem, Alamodi, L. A., Hazazi, A. M., Shibah, A. M., Jabri, S. A., & Albosruor, Z. A. (2017). The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine. The Effect of Time Management on Academic Performance among, 3042.
                                     To- Do List
We can do anything, but it is not possible that we can do everything on time.  Being a student, we have lots of study pressure and complete our assignment on time. However, in my opinion, this is the best time to learn how fast and quickly we can manage our task. My suggestion is to maintain your time makes the to-do list.

To do list is a handy tool to maintain your time and organized yourself. First of all, write your goals and make a record how can you complete your goal within the time limit. What step you need to achieve your objective and how much time you have to finish these achievements. I take my example during an exam and assignment; I successfully maintain my time. I had four test in week seven and had to post my blog. So I set my time wrote everything on the list and when I start work on those. I set my priority and check the time how much time I have. Then on the weekend, I divided my time according to the exam. I know one or two subject was very critical where I need to more concentrate and take more time. 

Then I scheduled my time and reviewed everything on the weekend so that during the exam I do not have much pressure on my hand. After making a list and deligated stick on that list, surprisingly I save a lot of time for my family and also completed my review without gets tired.  According to Jill Duffy, every morning look over your to-do list and calendar. It does not take much time and you won’t be thrown off course later. The task-management app Any.do has a setting that reminds you every morning to review your plans for the day. This list makes your life easy (DUFFY, 2015).
DUFFY, J. (2015). 11 Ways to Increase Your Productivity. PC Magazine, 158–163. Retrieved from http://login.library.sheridanc.on.ca/login?     url=http://search.ebscohost.com.library.sheridanc.on.ca/login.aspx?                       direct=true&db=a9h&AN=103333145&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Saturday, 6 October 2018

Set your goal

Time is the valuable gift for everyone and our success depend on how we manage our time. Brian Tracy writes in The article "Time Management Tips That Will Make You A Productivity Master" written by Brian Tracy, the writer suggested "The very act of taking a moment to think about your time before you spend it will begin to improve your personal time management and increase productivity immediately".Effective time planning is one of the most important skills which helps us to maintain balance in personal and professional life. In our everyday life, we meet many people who are in the last-minute rush and ask for advice on how they complete their work or assignment in a short time. Before entering college life my experience was like those people who don’t know how to manage their task on time. Then I did a lot of internet surfing and read books. After researching, I started to implement the same in my routine life.  I felt changes and it completely changed my perspective to view things differently. Now I can properly balance my personal and professional life without any problem. These are some tips for analyzing your precious time. 

The first step to manage your time is to set your goals and deadline to meet it. If your goals are clear, then you can aim at anything.  You need to divide your task into different stages, for example, our midterm is approaching ahead so we can divide our time according to our study and make a schedule so that we can successfully review our study before the exam. 

There should be the deadline to reach each stage and to meet the deadline we must schedule our routine accordingly. We should keep a track that stages are reached on or before the deadline if not plan B should be ready to cover the pending task along with the already moving task.