Saturday, 6 October 2018

Set your goal

Time is the valuable gift for everyone and our success depend on how we manage our time. Brian Tracy writes in The article "Time Management Tips That Will Make You A Productivity Master" written by Brian Tracy, the writer suggested "The very act of taking a moment to think about your time before you spend it will begin to improve your personal time management and increase productivity immediately".Effective time planning is one of the most important skills which helps us to maintain balance in personal and professional life. In our everyday life, we meet many people who are in the last-minute rush and ask for advice on how they complete their work or assignment in a short time. Before entering college life my experience was like those people who don’t know how to manage their task on time. Then I did a lot of internet surfing and read books. After researching, I started to implement the same in my routine life.  I felt changes and it completely changed my perspective to view things differently. Now I can properly balance my personal and professional life without any problem. These are some tips for analyzing your precious time. 

The first step to manage your time is to set your goals and deadline to meet it. If your goals are clear, then you can aim at anything.  You need to divide your task into different stages, for example, our midterm is approaching ahead so we can divide our time according to our study and make a schedule so that we can successfully review our study before the exam. 

There should be the deadline to reach each stage and to meet the deadline we must schedule our routine accordingly. We should keep a track that stages are reached on or before the deadline if not plan B should be ready to cover the pending task along with the already moving task.


  1. Yes , time is the master for many things. You have certainly illustrated very well that time management is key for success.

  2. Thank you Alison, Please keep with me I post my next blog soon
